Our Patient's Voice — Boon Cheng

Boon Cheng Image

Date: 12th August, 2014     Attending Doctor: Dr David Sisopha

Describe your overall health prior to your case:

I hurt my spine in my youth and have been suffering from lower back pain and shoulder pain since. Some days, it is bearable and others unbearable, so much so that this pain has been affecting my general wellbeing. Not being able to sit in one position long has also affected my work which involves desk bound duties. Not being able to bend to pick up things from the floor is also very inconvenient. More importantly, the pain affects my sleep, causing it to be disrupted every now and then, resulting in my poor quality sleep. Lately, my inability to balance myself made me realise that my left legs shorter than my right and that my spines not straight. I can feel a hump on the side of my back.

How has Chiropractic benefited your health?

Following a colleague’s recommendation, I made an appointment and saw Dr David Sisopha on July. After several visits, I felt much better and the discomfort and pain on my lower back and my shoulder blade were greatly reduced. I continued with the treatment 3 times a week and continue to see improvement after every treatment.

Now, I have less pain and sometimes no pain on my shoulder blade. I sleep better at night and I am also to balance myself better when I walk. My spine is also more upright and the hump on my left back is also much flatter compared to the past.

For a healthy life, I am happy to continue with Dr David Sisopha’s treatment. I feel that Chiropractic treatment is a much better alternative for me because I do not like to take medicine to relieve pain.