Posture Correction and Ergonomics
Posture is the window to the spine. If your posture is off, your spine is off. A high shoulder, a head tilt, an unlevelled pelvis, forward head posture or rounded shoulders are all signs showing the body is out of alignment.
Often these poor posture have been present in the body for a long time, due to habits from everyday activities, such as sitting in office chairs, looking at the computer, driving, studying for long periods of time, carrying heavy back packs, or even sleeping. Poor posture can easily become second nature, causing or aggravating episodes of neck and back pain, and damaging spinal structures.
Chiropractors are experts at analyzing posture relating to spinal problems. A simple yet effective Chiropractic check-up allows us to detect any imbalances in the body, especially from a young age, and correct them before the body has a chance to grow into the poor posture. “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.”
Chiropractors are also experts at analyzing your day to day and work ergonomics. Your desk, work area, chair, and car should be examined to make sure they don’t put any additional strain on your body when you use them. It is important that these equipment are in complete agreement with natural human movement and posture.